What is a Mennonite?
One of our members tells of the time a friend (the man who eventually became her husband) invited her to attend a small group study at Clarence Center-Akron Mennonite Church. She hesitated mainly because she had never heard of the Mennonites. After some research online she discovered that there are two characteristics that distinguish the Mennonites from most Christian denominations: baptism upon adult confession of faith and a strong belief in non-violence or pacifism. She learned that while often associated with the Amish, the two faith systems developed out of the same Anabaptist tradition but moved along distinctly different paths. She was relieved to learn that she would not have to give up her automobile or hair dryer!
A visit to the church revealed what her research could not, that the congregation is made up of a blend of people who had been raised in the church and had seen many iterations of Mennonite practice and those who had joined the church over time, attracted to its kind, Christ-loving people and the giving spirit that dwells within the community.
A Google search will tell one more about the denomination as a whole but a visit on a Sunday morning will do more in revealing who we are. If you would like to know us, please visit. We are an open, caring community and you are welcome!
If you are inclined to research first, here are a couple of helpful links:
Mennonite Church USA: Who We Are
We are a member church of New York Mennonite Conference
A visit to the church revealed what her research could not, that the congregation is made up of a blend of people who had been raised in the church and had seen many iterations of Mennonite practice and those who had joined the church over time, attracted to its kind, Christ-loving people and the giving spirit that dwells within the community.
A Google search will tell one more about the denomination as a whole but a visit on a Sunday morning will do more in revealing who we are. If you would like to know us, please visit. We are an open, caring community and you are welcome!
If you are inclined to research first, here are a couple of helpful links:
Mennonite Church USA: Who We Are
We are a member church of New York Mennonite Conference