But let all who take refuge in you rejoice; let them sing joyful praises forever. Spread your protection over them, that all who love your name may be filled with joy.
-Psalm 5:11
Our worship in song at CCAM includes traditional hymns and praise songs (contemporary worship music). We use a song leader or worship team to lead singing in which we offer our worship to God as our “audience.” We enjoy using different instruments as our talents allow to accompany our singing including piano, guitar, bass, etc.
Traditionally, Mennonites have sung their praises in four-part harmony without instrumental accompaniment (a cappella). Many congregations today have made the switch to include various instruments to add to a fuller worship experience.
Traditionally, Mennonites have sung their praises in four-part harmony without instrumental accompaniment (a cappella). Many congregations today have made the switch to include various instruments to add to a fuller worship experience.